Monday, May 18, 2009

Cleanliness Is Next to Memory Loss

You may have heard the saying "Cleanliness is next to Godliness." Well, I must be pretty darned close to God these days, because I'm cleaner than ever.

Those of a "certain age" will be able to relate when I say there are times when you just can't remember what you just said or where you put the keys or what you had for lunch yesterday. However, I seem to have taken memory loss into a whole 'nother direction. There have been too many times lately where I get out of the shower, look at the clock, and think "Holy moley! Where did the time go?" I realized yesterday where the time is going.

Like most people, I have a routine when I get in the shower. I shampoo my hair first, Buf Puf my face, shave my pits and then move on to the actual body cleaning portion of the program. Here is usually where the memory loss comes into play. I get to thinking about where I'm going or what I'm doing that day--don't forget to do this, be sure to call whoever, etc. And that's when I forget--did I already wash my feet? I sounds absolutely ridiculous, but sometimes I forget whether I've already washed my feet! So what do I do? I wash them again, just for good measure. Yesterday, I realized (after the fact) that I'd washed my hair twice. So that is where the time is going--but at least I'm extra-sparkly clean as a result!

This from a person who once drove past her exit on the way to the beach because she was thinking about other things. I guess the multi-tasking part of my brain isn't quite what it once was. Or maybe I just like showering. Ah well...not like it's harming anybody...unless you count pruning up from a long shower as harm!

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